About Passion TV

Passion TV was established in the year 2004 in United Kingdom. The objective of the company is to provide family entertainment television services as a commercial operation for the African – Caribbean people in UK, Europe and in Nigeria. In the year 2003, Michael Makinde and Sharon Makinde, discovered a niche in the provision of television Programmes for the African – Caribbean viewers in the UK, Europe and Nigeria.
Passion Television started broadcasting on Sky Digital Network in the year 2005 and its specific characteristics are as follows;


  • “To become the premier provider of television entertainment
  • Programmes in UK, rest of Europe and in Nigeria”.

Email Us

Mail: info@passiontv.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0)7958355169
Monday – Sunday
09.30am – 19.00pm

Sales & Marketing

Mail: sales@passiontv.co.uk
Phone: +44 (0)7535131881

Contact Us

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